
Bejegyzések megjelenítése ebből a hónapból: február, 2020

Updating '' for photos of churches in Square of Roses, Budapest 7th districr

Slideshow album of Square of Roses

Updating '' for photos of walking around the Fiderman's Bastion in Buda Castle Quarter

Fisherman's Bastion Budai Vár, Halaszbástya, Mátyás-templom Buda Castle, Fisherman's Bastion, Matthias church Slideshow

Updating '' for my photos of walking in Buda Castle Quarter: Matthias church, Fisherman's Bastion with attention to architecture and sculpture

Slideshow of Buda Castle Quarter Buda Castle Quarter, Matthias church ...

Creating new sites for photos of Buda Castle Quarter: Buda Castle Palace, Lions' Court, Eugene of Savoy's statue, Giovanni da Capistrano sq., Tower of Church of Mary Magdalene

Walking in Budai Vár, Oroszlános udvar, Savoyai Jenő lovasszobra, Szent György tér, Tóth Árpád sétány, Mária Magdolna Torony, Kapisztrán tér Walking in Buda Castle Palace, Lions' Court, Eugene of Savoy's statue, Giovanni da Capistrano square, Tower of Church of Mary Magdalene

Updating '' for the photos of walking up to Buda Castle Quarter in Budapest 1st district

Slideshow of walking to Buda Castle Quarter Slideshow of photowalking in Buda Castle and its neighbourhood Walking in Budai Vár, Oroszlános udvar, Savoyai Jenő lovasszobra, Szent György tér, Tóth Árpád sétány, Mária Magdolna Torony, Kapisztrán tér Walking in Buda Castle Palace, Lions' Court, Eugene of Savoy's statue, Giovanni da Capistrano square, Tower of Church of Mary Magdalene

Updating '' for photos of walking around Kós Károly square in Budapest Kispest Wekerletelep with specila regard to architecture. The establisment of Wekerletelep was supported by prime minister Sándor Wekerle.

Slideshow of walking around Kós Károly square Slideshow of Wekerletelep Slideshow of Kós Károly square Kispest Wekerletelep Web Gallery of Kispest Wekerletelep

Updating my personal website '' for my Canon Photography, Quiz, Globe Master printing, KFKI TPA ...


Creating a new site '' for my photos of architecture of Kispest with focu on Kós Károly square

Slideshow album of Kispest Wekerletelep, Kós Károly square

Updating '' for photos of different sites in Budapest, with special regard to architecture, sculpture, buildings, memorials, statues, churches

Budapest sights Sights of Budapest

Updating '' for photos of Imre Bukta's exhibition in Kieselbach Gallery in Budapest in 2019

Slideshow of Imre Bukta's exhibition Slideshow [2] Web Gallery

Creating a new site for photos of walking to Kieselbach Gallery through Budapest Inner City to see Imre Bukta's exhibition

Slideshow of visiting Imre Bukta's exhibition in Kieselbach Gallery

Updating '' for photos of walking to Kieselbach Gallery through Budapest Inner City to see Imre Bukta's exhibition

Slideshow Another slideshow of walking to Kieselbach Slideshow of visiting Imre Bukta's exhibition Web Gallery

Creating a new site '' for my photos of walking down from Citadel to Gellért square


Updating '' to show my photos of a walking from Citadel to Gellért square - Photography for Arts, Architecture, Culture

Kép Slideshow of photowalking Web gallery of photowalking Budapest sights

Updating '' for photos of sights of Budapest Hungary

Photos of Gellért Hill, Budapest Photos of Budaoest

Creating a webpage for my series of higher resolution photos: bust of Hungarian writer Sándor Márai in Budapest

Bust of Sándor Márai in Budapest 1st district

Updating '' for photos of Budapest Hungary with attention to architecture, sculpture, culture, crafts

Sights of Budapest Hungary

Creating a webpage for my series of higher resolution photos taken in the building of the Hungarian Parliament

Ornamental stairs

Creating a webpage for my series of higher resolution photos taken in Budapest Hungary with special attention to architecture and sculpture

Fresco of Palatine István in the Hugarian Parliament